Feel the News
Feel the News + Friends
Your life only matters if you serve capitalism

Your life only matters if you serve capitalism

that's why houseless people are treated so inhumanely

I’m taking a break from the weekly Feel the News newsletter to share with you my very high thought about what’s currently happening to unhoused people in NYC. Eric Adams, the mayor of NYC, has destroyed at least 300 houseless people’s  encampments. He has destroyed their community and thrown away their personal property. I initially recorded because I was too upset to write my actual thoughts so this is audio of my real actual thoughts without me censoring myself. I apologize for the lack of jokes in the audio. Turns out sometimes high me is not very funny. The thing is that even though I’m a stand up comedian, I’m not always funny. So sometimes you’ll have to hear things from me that are not funny and I hope you love me more from it.

Below is a very close transcription of the audio.

I was thinking about how they are sweeping the encampments and at the end of the day it’s about trying to hide a problem. Like trying to pretend this terrible system we live in allows people to die to maintain itself. Life doesn’t matter to this system. All that matters is that life serves the people who run this system. If your life does not serve the people who own this system. You are disposable.

So those people out there, open to the elements without food, they are a constant reminder that if your life doesn't serve the system, it doesn’t matter, it’s trash. That's why they throw away their things. Because if you are trash then the things you own are less than trash. They are not worth having. They are disgusting because you had the audacity to believe that you deserve anything when you are not serving the system. You don’t even deserve a pen. You deserve nothing but to die, but we don’t want you to die in front of us. We need you to die somewhere out of our sight. 

That’s it from me. Let me know whether you hated or loved this in the comments.

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Feel the News
Feel the News + Friends
Feel the News + Friends is a comedy newshour where stand up comedian and anarchist Marcela invites their friends to tell you how to feel about the news.