Hiii! I took one mushroom today and it helped with my anxiety. I hope you are managing okay. Today I’m sharing my feelings on 46 states in the so-called United States of America paying a company to train the police on how to violate people’s rights. Onto the news…
News that made me say brutality is taught
Police departments in 46 states paid for police training that encouraged police brutality against anyone who was not a white cis man. Which explains why police are so good at being racist and violating people’s rights. You have to be trained to be that evil. No one is born like that. Unless their name is Netanyahu or Joe Biden. I’m sure their first words were YAY settler colonialism!
Police being trained to be brutal proves once again what I and everyone else who has been screaming abolish the police over and over again into the abyss have been saying. The police’s purpose is to maintain a racist patriarchal transphobic economic hierarchy, not to keep us safe. If the police were here to keep us safe, they’d be getting training on how to dismantle settler colonialism. They’d at the very least be helping us roast Joe Biden on the internet.
I’ll be honest, when I first read the news that the police were paying a company money to teach them how to brutalize us, I was shocked. I thought that this was already part of the police academy training. I didn’t think they needed extra training to be terrible. However, after further thought it does make sense that the police would need a reminder on how to maintain their brutality skills. Even doctors have to take a recertification test to prove they’ve maintained their skill set.
What’s extremely upsetting about all this, other than the police brutality part, is that we are paying for this. We are paying for police officers to go to a conference where they are taught that constitutional rights are just suggestions. I’m not a fan of the constitution because I will never be a fan of anything written by racist white men. However, it seems to me that avoiding the constitution and the law isn’t something that requires additional training. Donald Trump does it every day and you know that man hasn’t ever been trained to do anything.
Why do police need to be trained at all? Why do we need to pay for them? If the purpose of the police is to be racist misogynistic enforcers, why doesn’t the government just go to a MAGA rally and sign up the first 1000 people that show up for police service? MAGA people already have guns, racist uniforms, and enjoy racism, so the government doesn’t have to use our labor to fund them. They'll do it for free! .
It would make me feel better knowing I'm not paying for my own oppression. However, letting a bunch of self-funded racists become the police would make it clearer to us what the police’s real purpose is. Hence, in order to keep tricking us that the police are here to keep us safe, they make us pay for their racist training. It would never make sense for us to pay for something that harms us, right? Unless we live in a dystopian nightmare where we’ve been taught the police are good for us and marijuana is bad for us. Which we do!
That’s it for the news but don’t go yet
Rest in Power Ryan Gainer, you deserved to live in a world without police. You should still be here.
If you want to learn more about the lives of Palestinians being displaced by the genocide in Gaza, head on over to We Are Not Numbers.
Please keep going to protests for Palestine. Please keep talking about Congo, Sudan, and colonialism.
We have everything we need to free each other. Keep fighting for a better world. We can do it.
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Great article, with which I agree, and I really like We Are Not Numbers. Thanks again.