News that made me feel like a baby
The city of Minneapolis uses livability offenses to ban people from downtown Minneapolis and guess the demographics of the people on this “restricted list”? If you guessed mostly Black people, you are correct. You win the right to cry for 10 minutes without judgment on any bench near your work place. This news made me cry because I was already having a rough day and knowing that a city in the United States of America is serving up Jim Crow straight up without the salt and the lime was the last straw even though it’s kind of old news. I read a lot of news. No matter how much I understand that we live in a country that has enshrined systemic racism in every single aspect of our lives, I’m still shocked by some news that I read. I’m like that baby who is constantly surprised and giggles every single time their parent makes a silly noise. The baby has heard the silly noise many times and can even see it coming but they still giggle. Replace the giggles with tears and the noise with racism in my case and that’s my life.
News that made me wonder when is it enough
People are skipping meals and cutting other costs to pay for healthcare costs because inflation has made the United State’s healthcare even worse. To which I ask, what reality are we living in if an already terrible system becomes even more terrible and no one’s stopping it? Like when is it enough? People being forced to pick between dying from starvation or dying from an unknown ailment seems like grounds for doing some things that the Joker would do. Full disclosure, I’ve never watched that movie, but it seems like he might be doing some wild shit. To the FBI agent who is reading this, of course I’m talking about spending a lot of time on your makeup like the Joker did. Anyway, capitalists’ greed which is signed, sealed, and delivered by the government every day is driving up prices, and all the government is doing is passing an inflation reduction act to pacify the masses. Don’t let them pacify you with this garbage that will do nothing to stop the rampant exploitation. Only we the people can pass an inflation reduction act. By inflation reduction act, I mean treating every single store like an Amazon Go store.
News that made me feel like a problem solver
I announced last week that Feel the News, the comedy show, will be live streamed from the Caveat in Manhattan on August 24th at 9:30pm ET. I’m reminding you today because people are always saying they are bummed they can’t come to Feel the News, the comedy show because they don’t live in New York and this is my solution to that. So go ahead and get those tickets to watch Feel the News, the comedy show, on any of your devices. If you live in NYC, come to the Caveat and see it in person.
That’s it for the news, but don’t go yet
I want to give a shout to New York for Abortion Rights for fighting the good fight every Saturday morning at 8am to prevent anti-abortion people from harassing people who are going to their abortion appointments. Follow them on Instagram to learn more about their work.
I started reading “feminist theory: from margin to center” by bell hooks again after putting it down for a minute and this quote really got me. “The kind of shared responsibility for child care can happen in small community settings where people know and trust one another. It cannot happen in settings if parents regard their children as their “property” their “possessions”.
If you need book recommendations to learn more about abolition, check out this really cool tweet.
Lastly, if you enjoy my writing and you’d like to support my labor and help me make Feel the News into a late night show, please tip me, become a patron, or become a paying subscriber below.
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