Hiii I have been scared all week about my fibroids and I decided to rant about it. Onto the rant…
News that made me say why is my uterus torturing me
I found out that I have four fibroids last Monday and I’m panicking a bit. The largest one is 10cm by 10cm cm by 6 cm, which is larger than a grapefruit. The other three are a little smaller but not by much. I’m terrified knowing that I have something larger than a grapefruit and 3 baseballs inside of me. I hate grapefruit and baseball so thinking about these lumps in my body as these objects make me panic even more. Why does my uterus have to torture me? Doesn’t it know that I have other more important things to panic about?
I remember the first time I was told I had a fibroid. It was small and less than 3cm. I thought to myself oh cute, it’s like a little tumor, that’s okay. When I learned that the little tumor had grown and my uterus had decided to create friends for it to play with I just couldn’t take it. It doesn’t matter how many times I’m told fibroids are common and so many people have them.
I learned from doing a little research that 20-70 percent of “women” get fibroids. Which is really annoying because what type of estimate is 20-70%. That’s saying very few or everybody. I can’t believe the person who wrote this estimate didn’t profusely apologize for basically giving us zero information. Saying a few people or everyone can have something is really not helpful to anyone for anything.
Also I’m not a woman! Can someone tell my uterus that? I don’t know if the fibroids will disappear but maybe it will prevent my uterus from growing more fibroids. I hate when all these studies say women have this and women have that. Well what if you just happened to be cursed with a uterus but are not a woman. I don’t think having a uterus is a curse, I’m just angry and lashing out. Remember I’m a comedian. Anyway, can we please just replace women with people with uteri? Would that hurt you person with a PhD?
I want to go back to that whole thing about everyone having fibroids. Fibroids are terrible and everyone having them, specifically Black people with uteri having them, shouldn’t bring anyone comfort. I hate that we live in a world where suffering is so normalized. People will say well, everyone has to go to work every day. That doesn’t make it okay. Everyone having to waste their time at bullshit jobs that harm them, other people, and the planet doesn’t make it okay.
If we spent more time trying to figure out why people get fibroids instead of raising the temperature of the planet we live in, I wouldn’t have to pee all the time and feel like I’ve just run a marathon every day. I used to be so angry at myself for being so tired. Now that I know that I’m tired because my body decided to make tumors that suck my life force and no one really knows why my body makes these tumors, I’m even angrier.
Sure they have some hypotheses of why I have fibroids. One of them is that I’m Black. Being Black is listed as a “risk factor” for having fibroids. So it means fibroids are racist just like everything else! No, fibroids are not racially profiling Black people. We get fibroids because we are racially profiled. Did you know that being treated poorly by a society gives you stress, which may increase the chances of your uterus growing tumors?
I didn’t, but it’s always fun to know that I have to deal with the consequences of microaggressions, not the white lady who touched my hair at work. Or my white boss who told me I was being condescending to her because I used the word “just” in an email. Yep, she was so angry I corrected her in an email that she also said my responses to her were “frustrated”. I mean call me an angry Black woman already! I mean I'm not a woman but I didn’t tell her that.
So white people are less likely to get fibroids than Black people because white people create an environment that encourages fibroid growth in Black people. This dystopian white supremacist nightmare is so full of jokes!
I’m angry and I’ve been panicking about these fibroids all week and then feel guilty about being angry because there are multiple genocides happening around the globe. Wouldn’t it be great if all the money that was being used for genocide could be used to figure out why I have fibroids? This way I’m not worried about fibroids and a genocide at the same time. Then feel guilty about being worried about fibroids when other people are starving to death. Then getting stressed out about feeling guilty which encourages fibroid growth because fibroids love stress.
I know asking a white supremacist government to fund genocide less and fund Black women’s health is like asking a bartender to make you dinner. It’s not their job and they don’t have the skills to do it.
I also get that money was created to fund war and not healthcare.
So I’m going to go back to freaking out about my fibroids and the genocide while doing the best I can to destroy this white supremacist hell hole. Please join me ❤️
That’s it for the news, but don’t go yet
If you want to learn more about the lives of Palestinians being displaced by the genocide in Gaza, head on over to We Are Not Numbers.
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Thank you for writing this. After years of discomfort and no diagnosis, finally an abortion worker let me know I had a growing fibroid. I’ve had mannnny (expensive) appointments since then and am still not yet being guaranteed help (which unfortunately appears to be surgery). I’m white so I know my body has experienced nothing close to what Black folks go through, but I was raised in and out of poverty (and a high-stress household) and I think that probably contributed. (Also the only other white woman I know irl who has them was also raised poor/still, like me, worries about money). Anyway, lots of solidarity your way!!!